Sure Tip Board
What is a Sure Tip Board?
A 'SureTip' board is a raffle board in which every ticket or "tip" has a chance to win. The construction of the game consists of a semi-ridged cardboard base, (or backing in which all information and tickets are placed) a specific number of tickets which are folded and banded to hide a previously printed number are glued in rows on the base. Printed at the top of the base is the name of the game, (which denotes the number of tickets) the winning number which is covered by a seal, and a serial number which matches the serial number printed on the ticket (or tip).
On the back of the base you will find on most games a numbered line for each number that is revealed on the tickets. These lines are for the players to sign on the line which matches the number on their ticket. This makes it easier to track down the winner after all the tickets have been sold. When the winning number is revealed you can go down the list and match the winning number to the number on the back and go straight to the person who has signed that line and verify their ticket matches the winning number. Also printed on the back is a form number, suggested prize structure and price per play.
How to Play a Sure Tip Board Game
Our “Sure Tip” tip boards are most easily described as a self contained raffle. You have all the tickets and the winner in your hand. The operator knows exactly how many tickets are going to be sold therefore you now exactly what your profit will be and the player knows exactly what the odds of winning are. Everything that can be done with a raffle can be done with our tip boards, all you need to do is let your imagination run wild and pick a game that fits your needs.

Regular Tip Board
What is a Regular Tip Board?
“Regular tip” tip boards look similar to “sure tips”. The key difference is that a regular tipboard uses a combination of numbers printed on the ticket and on the heading of the tipboard to determine the winner. The heading is called a "Flare Card."
We Offer a Pasted 5 Bundle

Our pasted 5 bundle simply has 5 tips or tickets bundled together for one easy pull off the board. We also offer a Pasted 10 bundle.
How to Play a Regular Tip Board Game
On the heading of the tip board you will notice the word “TIP” with a number printed below it. In order to win you must match the “TIP” number and the number under the seal. On each ticket there is two numbers printed. If one number matches the “TIP” number then this is called a “Holder”. When all of the holders are revealed then the seal is removed. The person who has the ticket with the “TIP” number and the number under the seal has won.
The number of “Holders” on a “TIP BOARD” is directly related to the total number of tickets on the board. One of our more popular boards is a 120. This board has 120 tickets with 16 “TIP” numbers and 15 “Holders”. When the number of tickets increases also does the number of “Holders”.

Jar Ticket Games
What is a Jar Ticket Game (Bag Game)?
Jar Ticket games are loose tickets that come in a bag and are placed in a jar or bowl rather than on a board. The patron can buy them as single tickets or as a bundled tickets. You can make any game in a bag form. We offer stock items. All of the Jar or Bag games come with a payout card and a seal card to determine the winner.
How to Play a Jar Ticket Games
Some customers create their own bag game by taking the tickets off the board and placing them in a jar. Some will do this as singles and others will staple bundles of 5 or more. They will create their own payout too.
As an example; one customer bundles 153 tickets in bundles of 10 with 3 loose tickets and sells them for $1.00/ticket or $10.00/bundle. They also bundle 435 tickets in bundles of 25 at $1.00/ticket or $25.00/bundle. They pay out $75.00 in cash to the winner of the 153 game as well as a 25 ticket bundle on the next 435 game. That keeps them in the next game. The 435 bag game pays out $360.00 to the winner.

Small Game of Chance - 5 Card Hold’em
Explanation of 5 Card Hold’em
The upper section of the board has 24 tickets with two cards printed on each ticket. These 24 tickets are the only tickets to be sold. When the player receives one of these tickets that person now has a two card hand.
There is a community ticket, the word “FLOP” is printed on it. (On the bottom of the board.) There are three cards printed on it. When this ticket is opened by the seller or house the three cards that are revealed are to be combined with each of the first 24 tickets that were sold; now each player has a 5 card hand. The best 5 card hand wins.
To make sure there are no differences of opinion we have also printed a ticket with the word “WINNER” on it. There are two cards printed on it. These two cards match one of the first 24 tickets that were sold. That when combined with the “FLOP” is the best poker hand. (This ticket is not to be used in playing the game. It only determines the winning ticket for the seller or house.)
There are two tickets that separate the “FLOP” and “WINNER” tickets. These two tickets are blanks. You can take them off and throw them away before you start the game.
As you may already know there is a chance of having two equal hands. If this should happen one of those tickets will have the word “FOLD” printed on it. This will eliminate a tie. If the player receives this ticket they need to buy another ticket if they want to stay in the game.
Each one of these boards for all intended purposes is unique. Just like taking a deck of cards (52 cards) shuffling them and dealing out 48 to the players and 3 to the community hand and leaving one face down. There are over 2 million possible combinations when shuffling 52 cards. With this in mind you can play with confidence that each one of our boards has a unique shuffle.
Examples of How to Play 5 Card Hold'em
1. Sell each ticket for one dollar. (Brings in $24) Open the winning ticket. The player that has the ticket that matches the ticket with the word “WINNER” printed on it wins the prize, we suggest $20. (The house keeps $4)
2. Sell each ticket for one dollar. Open the “FLOP” and let the players bet on their 5 card hand. When betting is complete open the “WINNER” ticket to determine the winner. Suggested payout should be the standard payout of $20 plus 90 percent of the betting. The house keeps the standard $4 plus the remanding 10 percent of the bets.
3. Sell each ticket for one dollar. Let the players decide to stay in or fold. If they are going to stay in they need to bet. (Make it a standard bet.) When betting is complete open the “FLOP”. Once each player has seen the “FLOP” allow them to bet on their 5 card hand. When betting is complete open the “WINNER” ticket to determine the winner. (If the “WINNER” ticket matches one of the tickets from a player that has folded you payout to the player who has the best hand that did not fold.) We suggest the payout should be the same percentages as example number two.
These are just a few examples of ways to play. With your imagination we are sure you will come up with many other variations. We are interested in hearing every one of them.
We are offering one gross of 5 Card Hold’em boards to the person who gives us in writing the most creative and profitable (for the player and the house) way to play.