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Columbia Sales is a family owned and operated manufacturing business of  “Tip Boards” and “Jar Tickets” since 1939. 

Like many family owned businesses, Columbia Sales started in the early 1930’s as a one man show, in a garage, with one printing press.  Located in a thriving city, Wheeling, WV, Mr. Palmer with  help from the community manufactured “Tip Boards” by hand.  Mr. Palmer’s design plans came to fruition when he and his partner applied the electricity to their first of many automatic folding, banding, and mounting ticket machines in 1939. 

Many things have changed since then, but our goal remains the same, to produce the best quality “Tip Board” at a reasonable price.

On behalf of the Palmer family and the employees of Columbia Sales we thank you for purchasing our product!

Adam Campbell
General Manager 


Original Design by ©Copyright by Columbia Sales Inc. 2018.